Remy - Disney Dream Dining Experience to Remember

I've written about my family's love for Disney Cruises.  We've gone on the Disney Dream every year for the last 3 years, so it's no surprise that I've become the "go-to" person for advice for first time Disney cruisers.  I recently wrote another blog post here with detailed advice but wanted to write more specifically about the adult-only special dining experience at Remy.


I've been asked several times if one meal can actually be worth as much (or more!) as some people pay for groceries for a month. I always answer that you have to decide for yourself how much value you place on food and the dining experience as a whole.  I don't place a high value on things like clothes, shoes, handbags, etc for instance.  But when it comes to fine dining and travel, I'm suddenly screaming "take my money now!" 

If you do some research, you will find the stated cost for the meal is $95 per person.  Go ahead and multiply that number by 3-4 and you will have what you will actually spend, more if adding in the wine pairings.  Now it may be possible to stick with the $95 per person budget if you are very careful with your selections.  But if you have a husband like mine who is a little (ahem, a lot!) of an impulsive diner when surrounded by amazing food, you will have a harder time sticking to this budget.  

The menu was crafted by French Michelin 3-star Chef Arnaud Lallement and Chef Schott Hunnel from award-winning Victoria & Albert's at Walt Disney World. Each chef offers their own tasting menus--an American version and a French version.  So naturally, we get one of each and share so we can have the full tasting experience.  

The menu is seasonal and changes often, but I will say that after 3 years and 30 something courses, I've never had anything disappointing. So the answer to the question "is it worth it" really depends on your priorities.  If you place a high value on top quality ingredients, innovative dishes, wonderful service and fabulous views and atmosphere, you will not be disappointed with this experience.  Should you try it, it will no doubt be a top contender for best meal of your life!


Stephanie is a travel agent that specializes in Disney travel.  For all your planning needs for your own Disney Cruise, visit

Stephanie is a travel agent that specializes in Disney travel.  For all your planning needs for your own Disney Cruise, visit